1. Law & Order

  • Returning to secure neighbourhoods, parks, streets and business communities

  • Addressing critical issues like crime. Criminals are not victims, and victims are not criminals


2. Fiscal Responsibility:

  • Controlling city budget and avoiding want projects focusing on needs.

  • Promoting smart investments and transparent governance.


3. Addressing Attainable Housing and Homelessness with Compassion:

  • Ensuring everyone has a safe place to live.

  • 10,000 attainable homes and 30,000 homes over the next 10 years

  • Addressing issues like addiction and homelessness no family is immune from addictions

  • Stop the gentrification of neighborhoods by rescinding the 4-plex bylaw

  • Transitional measures that will compliment longer term results 


4. Accountability and Transparency:

  • Restoring ethical governance and fiscal responsibility, needs not wants.

  • Ensuring that residents’ voices are heard, and their concerns addressed, with mayor town hall meetings in each of the 10 wards annually, I am the only mayor to do have done this previously.


5. Focus on Basic Needs:

  • Prioritizing basic needs over expensive want projects.

  • Building better roads and safe active transportation routes.


6. Defending Core Values:

  • Protecting the middle and working class.

  • Building a thriving, healthy community of hope and opportunity and success


7. Experience and Common Sense:

  • Leveraging extensive experience and relationships to find cross-jurisdictional


  • Proven common sense approach.


8. Future Prosperity:

  • Strong neighbourhoods, businesses, and city services.

  • Revisit the downtown entertainment project only after financial stability is achieved.

  • -Making Saskatoon the most business friendly city in Canada


9. Modernizing for a Sustainable Future:

  • Public transportation, green infrastructure, energy efficiency, and innovative technology.


  1. The revitalization efforts for Circle Drive and Idylwyld are essential due to increasing traffic congestion and delays, exacerbated by inadequately sized turning lanes, prompting drivers to seek alternative routes via Avenue C and Miller Avenue to bypass these issues. 

  2. Circle Drive experiences a significant reduction in lane capacity, transitioning from three lanes to a single lane, as multiple lanes are often occupied by vehicles waiting to turn left, leading to further traffic complications. 

  3. It is proposed to pause the construction of the new arena and redirect the $30 Million towards addressing pressing issues such as homelessness and addiction, which require immediate attention and resources

  4. Upgrading the SaskTel Center is recommended, alongside with a pause for a downtown arena, to better utilize existing facilities and resources, at this time.

  5. The current transit system is inefficient, with travel times from Circle Park Mall to Avenue C and Circle taking between one to two hours, often necessitating transfers between two to three buses to reach destinations.

  6. A comprehensive revitalization of the downtown district is needed, focusing on crime reduction and increasing police presence to enhance safety and community well-being. 

  7. Major concerns on what if the construction goes over budget, how will this be dealt with along with safety and security measures which will be required. 

  8. The removal of bollards along avenues is suggested to create safer bicycle routes, promoting cycling as a viable transportation option.

  9. Eliminating unnecessary traffic islands is crucial to reduce street clutter, particularly during winter months when snow accumulation complicates street clearing efforts.

  10. An investigation into the Green Bin initiative is warranted to address environmental concerns in Saskatoon and is it doing what they said it would, alongside efforts to repurpose the 4,000 black garbage bins currently contributing to waste management challenges.

  11. A comprehensive revitalization of the downtown district is needed, focusing on crime reduction and increasing police presence to enhance safety and community well-being.